Saturday, July 12, 2008


This was taken from the Euro tour web-site....

Munich guided sightseeing tour. Nymphenburg palace: lots of good, beautiful paintings, room of beauties. Crazy drivers! I have never seen so many u turns in my life. Also I went to the bathroom next to a computer hard drive. The food was good though and not to expensive. Dachau: To be completely honest we are speechless. The feeling as we walked in was one I will never forget. Everything was just silence even the talkative girls hushed their voices. As we drive away the only thing I wish more from the experience was more time. From being there I have a sense of sadness but I am also determined to do all in my power to keep the holocaust known so it will never happen again. However words will never be able to describe the experience. After visiting Dachau we went back to Marienplatz and did more shopping and exploring. It was fun and unique. For dinner we went to Hard Rock Cafe; the food was awesome! On our way home we took the tram and called it a night.*****Devan, Sara & Angelica****

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That's a cool building.