Monday, July 28, 2008

Rie's Pictures

Here's some pictures from our new guest from Japan. Rie is staying with us through August.
Above left: Charity and Rie
Above right: Rie visited the Mall of America before flying in to Sioux Falls.
Here's the "Bucket Brigade." James, Rebecca, Michael, and Rie. --->

Not sure who is holding the piglet, but this was taken at Grandpa and Grandma Sandbulte's farm. The kids spent part of a day there in the haymow, playing with the pigs, and swinging on the tree swing.

Sarah and Rie at Oak Grove Park. James and Michael came along with them and ran the trails.
We have two new ponies now. Sorry no pictures of them here.
The kids (mainly the boys) are riding them almost every day. It sounds like Dillan wants to ride them a bit, too. They're a nice size for the smaller kids, so hopefully they continue to get ridden a lot.

1 comment:

Charity said...

Actually, I think I ride Marco just about as much as Mike does.