Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The snow is melting!!! YEAH!!! We can see the gravel driveway. It's not all gone yet but it is 50 degrees out and we see some lawn!!! The cats don't huddle around the drier vent as much....And I found a fly IN THE HOUSE. A sure sign of spring. :)


Janet said...

Did Becka like her Birthday present, you know, this POST !!! It's not my birthday or Christmas but it felt like it when I checked your blog to see if per chance you blogged, and you did. I was so happy. You must do it more often (we "older" people have to stick together). No pressure, but I'll be checking this at least weekly now :)

Itchellmeh said...

yay summer!

Itchellmeh said...

or at least spring! but we're supposed to have a snow storm tonight... pray we don't!

Charity said...

April Showers have come. Watch out for pilgrims.

Itchellmeh said...

It's been a month!! You guys are SLIPPING!