Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We found baby kittens under our front know...the porch with the swing. Loren and I heard them meowing. Loren looked and saw 2 gray striped kittens. They saw him and hid and are no longer meowing. The only way to get at them is to pull nails and tear apart the porch, which is not, I repeat, NOT happening. We are not going to tell the kids. We will see if any of them check out our blog. :)


Itchellmeh said...

I solomly swear that I will not tell a soul (unless, of course, they already know about it).

Itchellmeh said...

But you must promise me that if you tell the kids, I can come over all the time and pet them if they are beautiful. Just kidding.

Charity said...

Hey, since I am your first child to check this, do I get to name the kittens? I think I get that right. Mitch can help.

Charity said...
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Loren&Jolene said...

I'm thinking that whoever catches them first gets to give the first name. - Dad

Charity said...

Not fair- It's not like I'm home at all during the week!

Loren&Jolene said...

You haven't seen these kittens. No one is going to be catching them soon. -Dad