Thursday, September 20, 2007

One more

There are 3 kittens, not just two. Two of the kittens look like Ashley, our very light gray cat. One looks like Stripes, a darker striped brown. We think one of the black cats is the mother. We have not gotten a picture of them yet. They are not in the open very much.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We found baby kittens under our front know...the porch with the swing. Loren and I heard them meowing. Loren looked and saw 2 gray striped kittens. They saw him and hid and are no longer meowing. The only way to get at them is to pull nails and tear apart the porch, which is not, I repeat, NOT happening. We are not going to tell the kids. We will see if any of them check out our blog. :)