Thursday, September 20, 2007

One more

There are 3 kittens, not just two. Two of the kittens look like Ashley, our very light gray cat. One looks like Stripes, a darker striped brown. We think one of the black cats is the mother. We have not gotten a picture of them yet. They are not in the open very much.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We found baby kittens under our front know...the porch with the swing. Loren and I heard them meowing. Loren looked and saw 2 gray striped kittens. They saw him and hid and are no longer meowing. The only way to get at them is to pull nails and tear apart the porch, which is not, I repeat, NOT happening. We are not going to tell the kids. We will see if any of them check out our blog. :)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tent / Tractor

We put this tent up at Okaboji for a fundraiser. It's a 60X100 ft. tent. Usually it would only take a few hours to put up, but because of the trees, it took all day.
You can only see the garage in the background, but the house next to the tent was quite fancy.
One bedroom was built adjacent to a miniture basketball court. It also had a home theatre system complete with a concession/popcorn area.

On Monday we took it down. Sarah came along to help. We ran into Tom at the Pizza Hut, and got to talk to him for a while.

Both Tractors are done, and I'll be in the fields next week. I'll be spreading from the Coop confinement for a week or so, then It'll be from the chicken coops. I'll have two of the spreaders this year. Stan and Rod will have the other two.

I had a GPS monitor added to each tractor to better map each field as we spread. With all the electronics, it's almost like driving a computer on wheels.

Phil is trying two way radios this year. They'll allow us to talk over longer distances with greater privacy. I'll have one in my tractor, and the trucks and payloaders will also each have one.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho Its Off To Work I Go

I've started work at Sanford Health Center, formerly known as Sioux Valley Hospital. I was hired as a labor and deliver nurse. I've been on the floor for 1 1/3 shifts...Otherwise I've been on orientation at the Stevens Center, which is located in the boonies at the north side of Sioux Falls. The monitors at Sanford are cool. They have telemetry units that the mom can be up and walk around. Tell you more when I've actually seen a delivery.

For my birthday, Loren and the kids gave me a picture frame that scrolls through a memory card from digital cameras and shows all the pictures from the card. It's like Grandma Hooyer's screen saver. I really like it.

Sarah and Charity are gone to work at Vonk's Egg Plant. They do a variety of jobs from working stacking eggs to cleaning the chicken coops to walking the barns looking for dead chickens. Rebecca is cleaning tents this morning for Stan Wynia. She also babysits for Sarah TG and Judy H. when needed. Loren helps Stan with setting up and taking down the tents. He's helped Owen Sandbulte when Owen was short a man. Only Loren is still playing ball. He plays slow pitch for the Carmel team. Last week Sarah played for them too because they were short of players.

That's all for now. Jolene

Friday, June 22, 2007

My kids and their kittens

June 3, Sarah, Charity, and Rebecca got 3 kittens from Phil and Judy. These kittens are so cute and soft. Charity's kitten Teddy turned into Tiger. He loves to pounce and climb and explore. He has more Tigerish than Teddy Bear qualities. He has orange and white stripes. Rebecca's Sweetpea never scratches and does not like to rough house like her brothers. She will sit nicely in your lap. Sweetpea is striped lighter brown and black and is very photogenic. Sarah's cat Stripes is very similar to Sweetpea in color but just a little darker and loves to pounce and play attack and climb trees. Both darker striped kittens have an M on their foreheads so Michael thinks they should be his kittens. June 21 Phil and Judy had another batch of kittens ready for adoption. Michael got his kitten right away. Michael's kitten has 4 white paws and is named Boots. Even though Boots is a couple weeks younger, he tries to pounce and climb like the bigger kittens. He has needed to be rescued from the window well already. Phil gave us one kitten that Phil's kids could not part with and so one kitten was returned. James got his kitten today. Houdini came in a box from Phil and Judy's house with Charity(after Phil's kids were asleep...shh) Houdini jumped out of the box several times on the journey to our place until Charity put some heavy tools on the lid. Houdini was shy this morning and would hang on to your clothes with his claws.