Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tent / Tractor

We put this tent up at Okaboji for a fundraiser. It's a 60X100 ft. tent. Usually it would only take a few hours to put up, but because of the trees, it took all day.
You can only see the garage in the background, but the house next to the tent was quite fancy.
One bedroom was built adjacent to a miniture basketball court. It also had a home theatre system complete with a concession/popcorn area.

On Monday we took it down. Sarah came along to help. We ran into Tom at the Pizza Hut, and got to talk to him for a while.

Both Tractors are done, and I'll be in the fields next week. I'll be spreading from the Coop confinement for a week or so, then It'll be from the chicken coops. I'll have two of the spreaders this year. Stan and Rod will have the other two.

I had a GPS monitor added to each tractor to better map each field as we spread. With all the electronics, it's almost like driving a computer on wheels.

Phil is trying two way radios this year. They'll allow us to talk over longer distances with greater privacy. I'll have one in my tractor, and the trucks and payloaders will also each have one.

Thursday, August 23, 2007