Monday, July 30, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho Its Off To Work I Go

I've started work at Sanford Health Center, formerly known as Sioux Valley Hospital. I was hired as a labor and deliver nurse. I've been on the floor for 1 1/3 shifts...Otherwise I've been on orientation at the Stevens Center, which is located in the boonies at the north side of Sioux Falls. The monitors at Sanford are cool. They have telemetry units that the mom can be up and walk around. Tell you more when I've actually seen a delivery.

For my birthday, Loren and the kids gave me a picture frame that scrolls through a memory card from digital cameras and shows all the pictures from the card. It's like Grandma Hooyer's screen saver. I really like it.

Sarah and Charity are gone to work at Vonk's Egg Plant. They do a variety of jobs from working stacking eggs to cleaning the chicken coops to walking the barns looking for dead chickens. Rebecca is cleaning tents this morning for Stan Wynia. She also babysits for Sarah TG and Judy H. when needed. Loren helps Stan with setting up and taking down the tents. He's helped Owen Sandbulte when Owen was short a man. Only Loren is still playing ball. He plays slow pitch for the Carmel team. Last week Sarah played for them too because they were short of players.

That's all for now. Jolene